SSDC, a private organization was established since 20 July 1983 as a pioneer driving centre in Singapore. We started training for motorcycle riders on 1 April 1985 and motorcar drivers on 1 September 1985.
To promote road safety and support the long-term road safety strategy of the Government
To foster both drivers and riders with excellent skills, knowledge and manners for safe driving and riding.
In year 2005, SSDC was awarded the tender to build the first multi-storey driving circuit in Woodlands. With a total land area of 25,000 square metres, it housed a 3-storey driving circuit and a 5-storey administration block that allows training and testing for all classes of licences including Class 4 and Class 5 under one roof. It also houses all complementary facilities like theory lecture rooms, a vehicle repair workshop and petrol pumps. We were officially opened on 9 June 2010.
SSDC has spared no effort in providing students with the best facilities and instructions for training on road safety. We also conduct defensive driving and riding courses, refresher driving course for qualified licence holders. Our rapid development has not gone unnoticed as we were regularly invited to conduct courses in Malaysia, Indonesia, People’s Republic of China, Ghana, India, Nepal etc.